Kontinente: Europa (63), Amerika (22), Afrika (13), Asien (47), Australien (3)
Weitere: Vereinigungen (679), Fragen zum Spiel (346), Stammtischkneipe (383)

Thema: "Juiced"

General Patton, Di, 11.10.22 21:09:41:
The Lemons have been juiced and made into Lemonade!
The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.

George S. Patton

General Dr. Samuel J. Lumis, Mi, 12.10.22 2:39:42:

"This is new Lumis!"
dubium latet, Mi, 12.10.22 16:43:02:

knautschzone, Do, 20.10.22 0:32:50:
wow, still a few guys here
dubium latet, Do, 20.10.22 13:41:17:

Yep nice to have another old face joining this round!
WhatzUp?, Sa, 19.11.22 11:05:11:

hello, guys! next round...

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